Building the new technology generation
Building the new technology generation

Building the new technology generation

Q-team taught a University course

For one full month, the Q team had the chance of learning through teaching. During the “Technologies for information and communication” course, part of the eBusiness Master Program. Andrada, Alex, Ionut, Ovidiu and Cristian held unconventional weekly training sessions of 3 hours each, merging practical information with theoretical aspects and leaning more towards an open discussion rather than the traditional university course format. Students were teamed together in work groups and were assigned different functioning roles with the aim of building a full stack creative app with CRUD functionalities until course deadline.

The course was structured in 7 sessions, each with a particular theme: the participating students thus got the chance to learn to work with a varied range of technologies: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, including building a full application using the daring and modern MEAN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js) The exciting part of this project wasn’t only the solid self-esteem that the Qualitancers built for themselves after teaching a university course, but also the fact that switching perspectives and positioning yourself on the other side of the table is always “a good opportunity to be reminded of the difficulty in explaining concepts that season developers take for granted”, as Ionut puts it.

The project was possible thanks to our partnership with the Cybernetics Faculty, an initiative that we highly value as it gives us the opportunity to have an actively participation to the student community, shaping the future professionals of the field.


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